Wednesday, 2 January 2008

He'd been working last night and was doing one of the general rounds of the building, I believe at around 6pm. He went to the top level and was outside the room of the youngest chap in the project, who's a total pisshead, when he overhead a conversation taking place between him and the near-fifty year old skank who is riddled with Hep C and all manner of STDs that I wrote about before. The door was closed and he couldn't see anything, but this is how it went down:
Hep C Skank: "So, are you going to give me that tenner, or what?"
Young Alcoholic: "No." (laughs)
Hep C Skank: "Then get the fuck off of me then!"
Prostitution, the world's oldest profession - after the humble midwife - is alive and well in the very building where I'm currently devouring season three of Prison Break. That's all well and good, but slipping the wick into that hag? I don't care how much of a drunk you are. That shit is fucking wrong.
posted by Sheamus @ 8:30 pm