48 hours.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Just two more days to go.
'Peak season' ended today, and already the place has died a grisly death. It's back to uber-chavs and power-drinkers, but it's blissfully quiet. Really, it's just a case of going through the motions. I'm very blase about the everyday domestics and late-teen posturing now. It only gets exciting when one of those lovely mass-brawls breaks out.
Right now I'm concerned only about two things:
A. That I get paid - in full - this Friday, which means my normal fortnight's wage, the 65 hours of unused holiday pay I'm due plus my first week's arreared cheque.
B. That I haven't heard anything from anybody at my new job since accepting it. It's probably nothing to worry about, but as it was implied it could start potentially as early as the 10th, I'd have liked to have heard something.
Ho hum.
posted by Sheamus @ 2:30 am