Saturday, 7 July 2007
Sorry for the lack of updates the past few days. I had another bout of the dreaded man-flu. That sounds really pathetic, but when I get it it's really serious, and I was quite literally on the verge of death on several occasions. Count your blessings I'm still here.
We're having some problems with the 'new guy' at work. He didn't show up for the DS All-Star meeting on Tuesday, and has subsequently gone from being somebody who seemed alright to a complete and utter wanker. I had a bit of a run-in with him on Tuesday night and he's banged heads with a few others, including Lynch, whilst I've been off. I'm not sure what's going on in his head. It almost seems like he's started taking drugs, or something, as his personality has done a near-180. Quite strange. The problem is if you can't work with somebody, then they can't work here. It's that simple.
The carnies settled down last week after the incident on Monday. However, it didn't stop me making yet another gaff. As I mentioned previously, they're actually related to one of the boys in park security - a brother, cousins and all that. They are all, however, as I've implied, of the 'missing link' variety. Like Huckleberry Finn's less-evolved siblings.

All that was missing was the ominous music of a banjo. Anyway, six of them came in Wednesday night. No hassle or lip, but it's good form to radio ahead to other DS inside the complex to let them know when individuals who've previously been a problem (or are potentially so) are on their way. So I called Edmonson, although the security radio is open to everybody on the roster.
"Yeah, the carnies are in the building..." I said, "Three blokes, three women..." and then immediately remembered that the chap in park security was working the main radio in the lodge. Ho hum. We had a good laugh about it and he never actually said anything to me, but still, poor form and all that.
posted by Sheamus @ 4:30 pm