Tuesday, 5 June 2007
Thank Christ, a quiet night; just what the doctor ordered.
We have a system at work where if the bars meet their preset 'targets', the staff left on duty after they close get a free drink. I think I'm on a company record with ten nights in a row. And as I said before, I've become one of those right wankers who insists on a pint of cider. What a cunt.
There's a staff crisis at the moment. I'd estimate that we have only about 40 per cent of the people left on the books who actually were there at the beginning of the season. And they're dropping like flies; in the last week, at least six well-established employees have either quit or been given the boot for some reason. I think that by the time the high-season kicks off, which is basically August, we'll have around 10 per cent of the original team working in the complex. What this means, of course, is the 90 per cent of the workers will be either (a) inexperienced or (b) useless tossers who they're hired out of sheer desperation. Good times, good times.
I watched Dead Man's Cards today. Highly recommended if you enjoy seriously gritty and violent British movies. I liked it so much, I'm actually going to shell out for the fucking DVD. This, believe me, is a very rare bird.

View the trailer here.
posted by Sheamus @ 3:00 am