Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
It's been a quiet but fairly odd week. One of the odder experiences was this young handicapped boy. He couldn't have been older than ten, but he had some kind of fetish for smashing glass bottles, and really liked to lob them out of the main complex doors around 10pm each night. This happened two nights in a row. It was kind of tough for me to bollock him, but thankfully when I spoke to his 'carers' - which basically came down to one 18-year old lad - he stopped. Last night, however, upon leaving the complex, he did this thing where he repeatedly grabbed his right arse-cheek and let out a monster fart. While he was walking. And I mean monster. Even the seagulls fucked off. Britain's Got Talent, indeed.
One slightly less amusing item of note: remember Numbnuts? Well, his mate, the better-behaved alcoholic who splashed out on sixty shots at closing time, is now an owner. It's just him and his (equally intoxicated) family at the moment, but it'll be interesting to see if the Brixton Bomber returns anytime soon. He ain't fucking coming in, I tell you that.
Oh, get this: the outdoor pool has been closed down for a few days. Officially, it's because the heaters are broken. Unofficially, and actually, it's because fucking E. coli was found in the water. Just keep your hair dry, and you'll be fine. Too late, you've swallowed some.
This, incidentally, is what E. coli looks like.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a bit like the bacteria version of Ripley in the power-loader at the end of Aliens? I mean, he's got guns and everything. Don't fuck with him, let me tell you.
posted by Sheamus @ 3:00 am